Here we’re going to explain to you about some of the vocabularies which are going to be included when learning the equation skills.

Algebraic expression is an expression built up from integer constants, variables, and the algebraic operation.
Example: 6x-4=10





Coefficient is a constant term related to the properties of a product and a number by which another number or symbol is multiplied.

Example: 6x-4=10 .6 is the coefficient.

Constant term is a term in an algebraic expression that has a value that is constant or cannot change, because it does not contain any modifiable variables.

Example: 6x-4=10. 4 is the constant term.

Equation is a statement that the values of two mathematical expressions are equal.

Example: Image result for equation

Inequality shows the relationship between quantities that are not equivalent.


Image result for inequality math

Term parts of an expression that are added or subtracted.


Image result for term math

Like Term is a terms with the same variables raised to the same exponents that can be grouped together.

Image result for like term

Factoring The process of expressing a given number or expression as a product.


Image result for factor

Estimate To find the answer close to the actual answer like guessing and rounding.

Sum The result when two or more numbers are added.

Image result for sum